RTC SDK packages are missing dependant Eclipse platform library source jars
Accepted answer
You would have to download an Eclipse version with the Eclipse Source Jars from Eclipse.org and install RTC into that and then install the SDK.
- That being said, I get Eclipse 4.5.2 SDK x86-64 bit
- Then I install RTC 6.0.2
- The third step (i.e. install SDK) is not clear to me.
From the jazz.net website I have RTC SDK in a zip archive.I usually use it to extract it in folder ...installs/rtc_sdk used to create a new target.How should I install the "install SDK" and have one folder with all RTC and Eclipse related jars and source jars (Eclipse and RTC)?
I don't know how Eclipse ships its source, I assume there is a description on Eclipse.org
This is exactly what I usually do (i.e. following the workshop instructions).
I am afraid, it is still not clear to me how to set up a plug-in development environment with Eclipse Core and platform, SWT, RTC SDKs with sources and documentation :-(
At the moment (using the extensions workshop - btw, wonderful source) I can build an environment with either RTC source and documentation or Eclipse platform documentation and sources. I want to know how to do it. The provided steps above do not solve the mentioned issue. (see the comment below - duplication of plug-in with different versions)...
PS: At the moment I can manually exclude (a lot of work) one of the duplicated plug-ins for each case, preserving the Eclipse plug-ins from the Eclipse SDK (binaries, source, and documentation). However this may also introduce interface break as the existing RTC plug-ins used the Eclipse plug-in versions bundled with the RTC SDK.
Sorry, I do only know what the workshop needs. I have no need to look at the source. I assume you can download an Eclipse with source similar to the RTC SDK and add that to the target platform, but I don't know for sure.
One other answer
From where can I get the source jars of the Eclipse binaries bundled in the RTC SDK provided by IBM, so that I can have them in the java search?
The purpose is to have an environment with both Eclipse and RTC sources and documentation which can be used to develop SWT GUIs related to an RTC Eclipse plug-in... What is the IBM's recommendation to do it?