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RTC - Default values are not working after the attribute has been renamed

Isabel Torres (631238) | asked Apr 04 '17, 1:41 p.m.

RTC 6.0.3

I am using the SAFe 3.0 Process (Program) RTC template, and I renamed the "Value Statement" attribute... but now that I want to update the "Default Value" configuration, the Eclipse client saves my changes without any problem... but when I try to create a new work item, my updates are not reflected.

Can you please let me know if I should have changed something else when I renamed the "Value Statement" attribute?

Thank you

Lily Wang commented Apr 05 '17, 1:38 a.m.

Changing attribute's name should not result such issue. What change have you made on the Default Value configuration?
If you changed to use a script based default value provider, you make need to enable debug and check if there's any issue with your script.

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