What does a 'Result = -15' mean from the MSSCCI RTC / Rhapsody integration when attempting to get the CM status of a Rhapsody Model file

I have a user that is utilizing the RTC MSSCCI plugin inside Rhapsody. We are using RTC 6.0.3 with Rhapsody 8.2. We have configured their stream to make most Rhapsody files read-only when loaded, requiring users to obtain a lock (check out in the MSSCCI interface) to make the file modifiable. My user just reported an issue where she is receiving a 'Result = -15' output when attempting to refresh the CM status of her Rhapsody Model. She has other models in this component that are showing their status fine. I have tried searching for this return code, but have not found any public sources of information.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
David Lafreniere
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Oct 11 '17, 10:16 a.m.Can you copy and paste the snippet in the MSSCCI log where the -15 is being returned. We need to know the MS-SCCI API that Rhapsody is calling in order to tell you what the return code means (although I suspect it might be SccQueryInfo(), but it would be nice to confirm this).
The logs can be found here:
C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\IBM\Rational\Team Concert MsScci
and open the latest msscci-<date>.txt log file. (It's actually better to delete all logs first, and then open Rhapsody and perform ONLY the action which fails, this will result in less clutter in the log and make it easier to find).