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In RDNG, can I embed a module within another module?

I have gone through great pains to create modules containing requirements artifacts. Now, I'm trying to create a new parent module that will have embedded within it the other modules, but when I try to "insert existing artifact", the artifact (module) I want is not available in the list box, nor can it be found even when I search for the exact ID.
Accepted answer

Hello Will,
You cannot add a module within a module. I found an old enhancement request for this feature which was reviewed and they did not include the feature.
Enhancement 55903: Provide RRC "module within a module" support
You can submit a new request if you'd like this feature reconsidered.
I hope this helps.

Thank you Erica. After reading the enhancement request's proposal and reasoning, I am puzzled why the development board decided to kill it. Seemed perfectly reasonable to me (I know - statements like that drive developers nuts... I am one...).
One other answer

A module is not exactly an "artifact", even though it has such artifact type associated. Put it simply, a module is a "requirement collection", while a requirement artifact is just a "requirement".
If nested module/collection is allowed, the first issue (in a pure technical perspective) pops up is cyclic referencing. For example, Module A contains Module B, Module B contains Module C, and Module C contains Module A. This is my own opinion, and may not be the reason that development rejected the enhancement request.
As the enhancement request is very old, you can submit a new one in the RFE community.

Thank you Donald. Hadn't thought of the circular reference problem (doh!). Be that as it may, still would be nice to have a collection of collections... Hmm... there is something called a "Collection" as well in Rational; I'll have to look into that.