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How to reinstate a deleted artifact contained in another stream?

Alessandro Zocco (111) | asked Feb 05 '21, 8:38 p.m.

In DOORS NG I unintentionally deleted an artifact from a stream (A).

How can I reinstate that artifact from an another stream (B)?
I tried to create a change set in B, to make a minor change and to deliver it in A, but this warning is shown:
"The artifact was changed in the source configuration but deleted from the target configuration. If you deliver, the changed artifact will not be reinstated in the target configuration." 

Thanks in advance,

3 answers

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Amit Talwar (5615) | answered Feb 08 '21, 1:08 p.m.

One approach would be to create a reqif export from a baseline of stream (A) that contains the deleted artifact(s) and then reimport that reqif into the current version of stream (A).   then you could deliver the change set from stream (B) to stream (A) and manually resolve the conflicts.

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Miroslav Zaninovic (36727) | answered Feb 26 '21, 5:20 a.m.

Or you can use XLS exchange. It would always work no meters of stream, baseline, configuration and so on.

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Estelle Salyers (11) | answered Feb 28 '21, 3:06 a.m.

 Yes no meters of stream and basline

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