ifix020 installation
Hi all,
I've an environment with RTC Clients 5.0.2 ifix010 level. I wan to install a newer ifix in these clients, in this case is ifix020 but it fails saying package xxx required for feature yyy not installed , this happens for all packages and I'm trying to figure what's going on. Is there a way to force ifixi installation ? Or to check the current 5.0.2 ifix010 level for consistence?
3 answers
Please confirm if you have followed the instruction in the readme file to install the ifix020 (you need to remove old ifix010):
Hi Lily , you are describing the ifix installation server side. My case is client side ,this is RTC Eclipse clients, not the server
Sorry, my fault.
What's the client's Eclipse version? How did you install RTC 5.0.2?
Could you paste the error message details?
Hi , the client is Windows RTC 5.0.2 ifix018 when I open "About Rational Team Concert" When I click on detail I get a different information, please see the prtscr's
When I go to Help -> Install New Software add the repository and etc ... the installation fails saying component not installed , I de-select it , try again and says again other component no installed... and this for all components.
ps: I'm not able to upload images here... not sure why, but I can send them by email
I have no problems with applying iFix018 then iFix020 on top of a standalone RTC 5.0.2 client (plain zip version) using the p2 installation.
What exact errors did you get?
Hi Donald, this is the kind of error I have, I've just installed RTC 5.0.2 then installed Ifix010, a then ifix020 fails.
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software currently installed: IBM Rational Team Concert Client 2017.4.12.092722 (IBM Rational Team Concert Client com.ibm.sdp.eclipse.ide 2017.4.12.092722)
Missing requirement: Agile Planning Client Feature 3.0.1200.v20141022_1844 (com.ibm.team.apt.client.rtc.feature.feature.group 3.0.1200.v20141022_1844) requires 'com.ibm.team.apt.client [3.0.1100.v20141011_0139]' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: IBM Rational Team Concert Client 2017.4.12.092722 (IBM Rational Team Concert Client com.ibm.sdp.eclipse.ide 2017.4.12.092722)
To: com.ibm.team.apt.client.rtc.feature.feature.group [3.0.1200.v20141022_1844]
You can try to remove iFix010 first and then install iFix020.