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Role based value set is not working

Lorena Almela (1811617) | asked Sep 02 '14, 2:54 p.m.
client is using RTC 4.0.6.
We've created a Role based value set to filter contributors of a custom role and we have added the value set to a Contributor type attribute but the list is not being filtered by role, it is showing all the users on the WI's team area no matter their role. We are not seeing any errors in the UI. We have tested both in eclipse client and browsers.
Has anyone faced this issue before?

Lily Wang commented Sep 03 '14, 12:37 a.m.

Hi Lorena,

I tested in RTC 4.0.6, the Role based value provider worked fine.
Could you provide the screenshot of the process configuration or a piece of the XML source?
Or you can submit a support PMR to investigate the issue. 

2 answers

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Eric Jodet (6.3k5111120) | answered Sep 03 '14, 5:46 a.m.
Hello Lorena,
you may send me you Project Area source as XML, so I can have a quick look.
If more investigation is required, possibly open a PMR.


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Lorena Almela (1811617) | answered Sep 04 '14, 12:33 p.m.
Hi Lily and Eric,
thanks for your answers, here's part of the process configuration related to this value set:
Project Area configuration:

<valueSetProvider id="" name="Responsable GD" providerId="">
    <teamArea path="${current}" role="Gestor de Demanda Cablevisión"/>

<customAttribute id="Resp_GD" name="Responsable GD" type="contributor"/>

<attributeDefinition id="Resp_GD" name="Responsable GD" type="contributor">
    <valueSetProvider providerId=""/>
    <dependsOn id=""/>

<presentation attributeId="Resp_GD" kind=""/>

Role is created at the Team Area level:
        <role-definition cardinality="many" description="• Validar la Necesidad de Negocio&#10;• Registrar el Requerimiento Funcional en RTC &#10;• Efectuar la priorización de requerimientos, junto con las áreas de negocio.&#10;• Entregar el listado de requerimientos priorizados para Estimación a Entrega de Servicios, indicando prioridad y orden. &#10;• Validar junto con el Usuario Experto/Key User, la estimación y alcance funcional del requerimiento funcional.&#10;• Efectuar la priorización de requerimientos para desarrollar, junto con las áreas de Negocio y ES.&#10;• Entregar el listado de requerimientos priorizados para Desarrollo a Entrega de Servicios, indicando prioridad y orden. &#10;• Comunicar al Usuario Experto/Key User la planificación mensual de desarrollo de requerimientos entregada por la SWF IBM y Entrega de Servicios." name="Gestor de Demanda Cablevisión" role-id="Gestor de Demanda Cablevisión"/>


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