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How can I import a multi-select enumeration from Excel to DNG?

Ronald Wisniewski (1313) | asked Mar 22 '17, 3:31 p.m.

 I've exported an Excel file from SharePoint and now want to import it into DNG 6.0.3.  One of the fields in SharePoint is a multi-select enumeration (the only values are 2T and 5T), and I created a corresponding attribute in DNG and assigned it to the correct artifact type.  If the value in Excel is either 2T, 5T, or blank, it imports just fine.  However, I can't get an import to work if both 2T and 5T are selected: I don't know how to separate the values in the Excel file.  I tried using a semicolon (which is the default from a Sharepoint export) and also a newline (with alt-enter) but both fail (with the latter I get the error: CRRRS4215E Enumeration entry value "2T 5T" specified in import data is not found on specified enumeration type) .  How can I do this import?

Accepted answer

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Tali Rabetti (111820) | answered Mar 23 '17, 3:59 a.m.
edited Mar 23 '17, 4:04 a.m.

For me it worked with a comma "2T,5T".
Also, make sure multiple values are allowed in the artifact attribute definition.

Ronald Wisniewski selected this answer as the correct answer

Ronald Wisniewski commented Mar 23 '17, 10:28 a.m.

 Thanks Tali, the comma worked!

One other answer

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R J (133) | answered Mar 24 '22, 5:59 a.m.

Multi-Select Imports do work, just make sure that your enumeration names have no spaces at the end.

That may be the culprit of your errors.

Ralph Schoon commented Mar 24 '22, 6:52 a.m.

This was already answered and accepted as solved. March 23rd 2017.  

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