How can I import a multi-select enumeration from Excel to DNG?

I've exported an Excel file from SharePoint and now want to import it into DNG 6.0.3. One of the fields in SharePoint is a multi-select enumeration (the only values are 2T and 5T), and I created a corresponding attribute in DNG and assigned it to the correct artifact type. If the value in Excel is either 2T, 5T, or blank, it imports just fine. However, I can't get an import to work if both 2T and 5T are selected: I don't know how to separate the values in the Excel file. I tried using a semicolon (which is the default from a Sharepoint export) and also a newline (with alt-enter) but both fail (with the latter I get the error: CRRRS4215E Enumeration entry value "2T 5T" specified in import data is not found on specified enumeration type) . How can I do this import?