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DOORS NG - import csv to update content in existing module + export content of view

Adrian Haw (2741242) | asked Oct 09 '15, 3:13 a.m.
I'm struggling to find a straight answer to my question about DOORS NG data update from a csv file. Maybe this community can help.
In DOORS 9 it is very easy to import data from a csv file directly into an existing module and update attributes of existing objects (artifacts) or add new objects (artifacts) into the module - is this possible in DOORS NG? Any links with a clear explanation? I also need this to happen in a batch job - not only interactively. Also easy in DOORS 9 but not so clear to me yet if possible at all possible in DOORS NG.

Next question is about exporting the content of a module (filtered artifacts of a view) to csv - this must be easier to achieve than import but again I need this available in interactive and batch modes.

Thanks for any hints and tips.

Accepted answer

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Oct 09 '15, 7:38 a.m.
>> In DOORS 9 it is very easy to import data from a csv file directly into an existing module and update attributes of existing objects (artifacts) or add new objects (artifacts) into the module - is this possible in DOORS NG?

The following in the DOORS NG plan, currently under development:
44296: CSV - import / Export (Round Trip Capability)

>> Next question is about exporting the content of a module (filtered artifacts of a view) to csv - this must be easier to achieve than import
What I usually do is (1) open the module; (2) create a view that includes the columns I want to export; then (3) right-click on the view name in the left side-bar and select "export".

>> again I need this available in interactive and batch modes
I suggest checking the DOORS NG extension API to see if it has what you need (and if not, raise an enhancement request).
Adrian Haw selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Adrian Haw (2741242) | answered Oct 09 '15, 8:14 a.m.
Thanks for the fast and informative answer.

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