Why am I receiving Error 400: Bad Request in DNG when apply tag to a requirement
I am using RRC/DNG 6.0.3 .
When I try to apply an existing tag to a requirement I get the following error: (note: I am able to apply tag to some requirements)
URL: https://rtc.esadev.dol.gov/rm/tags/_HrsP8ecpEeasGsQR0tCalA?taggedResources
Error 400: Bad Request
Process Area must not be null (More info found at entry [2b03268838cdf0db] in the RM application server log)
Accepted answer
It appears to show the exact same error message as in the "unreproducible" defect, in a different use case, but also about "shared tags".
If the error keeps coming up, I suggest you contact Support.
One other answer
This turned out to be a bug when migrating. I turned this over to our Rational admins and they worked with IBM.
We migrated from 3 to 4 then 4 to 5 and then 5 to 6. I do not know when the error was introduced but I do know if we created a tag in version 3 and did not modify the requirement since we could not add or modify tags.
This was fixed with an update.