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parameter explanations

Hi all, where can I find more info about some Jena parameters like this ones?
Thanks for your help!
DESCRIBE Query Strategy
Indexes cleanup transaction size
Jena TDB Block Read Cache Size
Jena TDB Block Write Cache Size
Jena TDB In memory query results
Jena TDB Node Caches Size
Jena index operation logging time threshold (in ms)
Jena query operation logging time threshold (in ms)
SPARQL Query abort timeout (in ms)
One answer

These are the parameters exposed in the Advanced Properties for com.ibm.team.jfs.rdf.internal.jena.JenaRdfService. The best article I can find is the below one, which does not include any tuning of parameters at all. My understanding is that we are not supposed to mess around with these parameters.
Even we can change them, I don't see a way for us to appreciate the effect of the changes.
If you suspect that you have some issues with the JFS, I suggest you contact Support.