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CLM 6.0.1 DM and RTC license expiration issue.

Kunal N (872862) | asked Jan 06 '16, 12:57 a.m.
Hi All,

I am trying to evaluate CLM 6.0.1 and installed RTC,QM,RM,DNG using WAS 8.5.5 and DB2 10.5. During JTS setup on license activation page I found that the trial license keys for DM and RTC developer were showing already expired.

I am not understanding how this trial keys are showing already expired before actually I activating it.

Thank you,
Kunal N.

Ralph Schoon commented Jan 06 '16, 2:49 a.m.

The only things I can think of are:

  1.  You used a release candidate or milestone build and these licenses are set to expire
  2. You failed to deploy and an older version with expired evals start

For a new, fresh set up, including the databases, where the license information is stored, the licenses would start from the activation. I did that three days before and my licenses where good as far as I can tell. I uploaded new licenses though, so I can't confirm.

Kunal N commented Jan 06 '16, 3:37 a.m.

Thank's for your reply Ralph,

 I deployed the applications successfully and licenses for other applications RM,QM are fine they have been activated and have 2 months to expire, only problem is with DM.

Thank you,
Kunal N

Ralph Schoon commented Jan 06 '16, 3:47 a.m.

Hmm. No Idea, I was not able to find any hint that this is a known issue.

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