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LDAP registry location - can we have two of them ?

Peter Turvey (99236) | asked Sep 27 '18, 4:47 a.m.

We are using version 6.0.2 of the CLM applications. And Tomcat is version 7.0.59.

At the moment the "Server / Advance Properties" has
LDAP Registry Location = ldap://DC1:3268

I would like to add a second LDAP Registry location in case our DC1 is ever unavailable.

Is this as simple as editing the location to be
LDAP Registry Location = ldap://DC1:3268, ldap:DC2:3268           

Thanks   Peter


2 answers

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Kenny Smith (302614) | answered Sep 28 '18, 10:05 a.m.

 Not directly in RTC. Even if it were available, a better solution is an HA type LDAP, where users it a virtual IP rather than the actual IP. I would imagine you have other products that need LDAP access, and as such are just as vulnerable to an outage. In such a situation, you should refactor your LDAP architecture to account for high availability:

Take a look at this article:

Peter Turvey commented Oct 01 '18, 7:02 a.m.

Thanks for that, I will discuss with the other network Sys Admins. 

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Peter Turvey (99236) | answered Oct 01 '18, 7:08 a.m.


I added the second Domain Controller using the Jazz Team Server's "Configuration / Advanced Properties" page.
So I now have :
 LDAP Registry Location = ldap://DC1:3268, ldap:DC2:3268

This new setting was saved successfully but it didn't seem to do anything useful.

i.e. when I shutdown DC1 I was hoping the rtc users would still be able to log on (using DC2 as the LDAP registry location).

But they couldn't. 

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