Publishing DNG baseline in non-CM project area
There are several posts in the developerworks forum as well as blog posts on RPE-Actual that discuss the pre-Rational CLM 6.0 approach for publishing DNG baselines (i.e. snapshotId).
However, I haven't seen any explanations of how to publish DNG baselines from non-configuration-managed project areas in Rational CLM 6.0+.
I am running DNG 6.0.6 iFix005 and understand how to publish baselines from configuration managed project areas. However, for non-configuration-managed project areas, the process appears to still be different as the non-CM project areas do not display in the RPE OSLC Resource Selection browser.
What would be helpful to me is for someone to post a workflow for how to publish DNG baselines from non-configuration-managed project areas. Many thanks!