What are RRDG requirements to run quickprintmodule report?
I have an RPE custom report template that uses published "modules" REST api call to drive a document style report. However, I want to transform this report into a "quickprintmodule" report which is driven by the "views" REST API call (like the out-of-the-box PrintModuleBook/PrintModuleTable reports). I added a data source for the "views" schema, and I added all of the "external" variables that are in PrintModuleBook/PrintModuleTable, but I'm getting the following error when running the deployed report in RDNG: Report Generation Fail, Review the report data source configuration. The report runs without errors from RPE Launcher, so there must be some unfulfilled requirements for running from RDNG. Does anyone know what those requirements might be? I could take the PrintModuleBook report template as a template and re-build my report from scratch, but that will be extremely time consuming.
3 answers
Hi Robert,
Try if this links helps http://rpeactual.com/2015/01/21/custom-templates-in-dngs-quick-print-menu/.
FYI - I've been told by IBM that they are supporting the use of the private "views" API in custom RPE templates based on the out-of-the-box quick-print-module reports.
For anyone doing any serious document publishing from requirement modules, the "views" API is a must. There are no equivalent published API's for this (without serious drawbacks).