RRC+RPE: How do I generate MULTIPLE MODULES' document style reports at the same time?

I'm using RPE and CLM 4.0.4 including DOORS Next Generation(DNG).
I'd like to output all modules in a folder to Word or PDF format in one go , but I have to click the output icon one module by one for now.
How do I get all modules outputs at the same time?
I prefer the output generations are processed via "Document Styles Report", then I checked printModuleBook.dta and other dta files in the server, but I couldn't find the correct way to specify multiple modules. I think printModuleBook.dta is for only one module.
I appreciate any ideas.
Motoyuki Takai
Accepted answer


Thanks a lot Edgar-san,
I had struggled to modify the dta file to output multiple modules, to fail.
Now I think I have two ways:
- Output modules one by one manually using DNG function.
Make a command line script to produce dsx files and modules documents one by one automatically (by perl, ruby, etc).
I think I can use dta and dsx files we created ourselves or a dsx file DNG generated after enabling debug of the PublishServices on the RRC server.
Is there any helps regarding the meanings of each schema element to create dta and dsx similar to printModuleBook.dta?
I have accessed the site below but I couldn't find schema information.

Print of modules is designed using internal API and not the Publish API, the reason is that printing a module is not as trivial as printing an artifact and it requires quite more work on the back end to get the elements to display the same way as in the web.

Hi Edgar-san,
I appreciate your help and submission of request.
We have many requirements and design documents in module format for the purpose of traceability management in DNG, I found no way to post an enhancement request, then your support is really helpful.

I found this open enhancement request https://jazzdev03.torolab.ibm.com:9443/jazz03/web/projects/Requirements%20Management#action=com.ibm.team.workitem.viewWorkItem&id=106332