Create requirement from a bulleted sentence problem
There is a problem for creating a requirement from a sentence that have a bulleted words.
When you highlight a sentence within a bulleted words, righht click and mark as requirement is disabled...
Similar problem, if you marked a word as a Glossary Term, you can not mark the sentence that include that word as a requirement.
There is a problem for creating a requirement from a sentence that have a bulleted words.
When you highlight a sentence within a bulleted words, righht click and mark as requirement is disabled...
Similar problem, if you marked a word as a Glossary Term, you can not mark the sentence that include that word as a requirement.
One answer
This is a known defect that will be fixed in 2.0.
Cannot extract requirement if selected text contains a link or spans across multiple blocks (6654)
"zhbaha" <halil> wrote in message news:h884uv$848$1@localhost.localdomain...
There is a problem for creating a requirement from a sentence that
have a bulleted words.
When you highlight a sentence within a bulleted words, righht click
and mark as requirement is disabled...
Similar problem, if you marked a word as a Glossary Term, you can not
mark the sentence that include that word as a requirement.
Cannot extract requirement if selected text contains a link or spans across multiple blocks (6654)
"zhbaha" <halil> wrote in message news:h884uv$848$1@localhost.localdomain...
There is a problem for creating a requirement from a sentence that
have a bulleted words.
When you highlight a sentence within a bulleted words, righht click
and mark as requirement is disabled...
Similar problem, if you marked a word as a Glossary Term, you can not
mark the sentence that include that word as a requirement.