Errors occurred while the comma-separated values (CSV) file was being imported to the RRC 4.0.3

3 answers

- Only import (even from export of the very same PA) of a specific artifact type SysReq not working.
- If imported as any other type would be OK: then the type can be modified after import.
- The issue is traced to a particular attribute PolTyp
- It is using an enumeration, and an initial value is required for the import to be successful, even though no PolTyp value is on the CSV file for import.
- Setting the initial value for PolTyp is the workaround to get the import to work with SysReq type.
- Oddly enough, if there had been no description for PolTyp, then the initial value is not required; i.e. removing the description from PolTyp (while leaving it without an initial value) is also an effective workaround.
- Moral: An attribute by enumeration, with description, will need to have an initial value; if no initial value is to be assigned there should be no description for the import of that type to work. Have not yet tried one with initial value without a description.


THat was what I thought, however there are no links on the requirements hence no link exported to the CSV file: Id, Name, Artifact Type, Last mod by, Last mod date

Besides the exact same CSV file got imported to the RRC on IBM sandbox 2 without a hitch.

On second though, I think you might have a more serious problem with the system in question - the type system may be corrupted.
Follow the instructions in this article to get the type system feed - removing "
" from the end of the URL will give you the type system feed rather than refresh it.
Once you get it, check if you can find the entry which gets complained in the error message.
May 29 '14, 7:03 p.m.Definitely it's the URL spoofing which caused issue: I exported requirements from a DEV project then reimported it back in under a different folder with name changes, got exactly same errors.