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Can You Create Multi Select Radio Buttons?

I searched the forum for this question and didn't come up with anything recent that you can do. We are currently using CLM 6.0.3. Customer is looking to have a "multi select" radio button where that can select anywhere from 1 to 10 items. Is this possible in RTC? I read something about using a "string" but that doesn't seem to work. Any other ideas out there?
Was also interested in a horizontal list or radio buttons versus vertical, but I guess there is only an RFE out there on this topic at this time.
Accepted answer

Radio buttos are always only one is selected - that is the nature of radio buttons. You can use a multi select checkbox presentation. There is no horizontal version.
You use an attribute of type enumerationList. For each attribute type defined there is a list type. E.g. if you create a custom enumeration called "choice" you have an attribute type "choiceList" which can be used for multi select. See https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2015/02/24/extending-the-workitem-command-line-with-new-commands/ and Workaround: Migrate from Rational Team Concert 3.X string attribute used as multi-select lists to RTC 4.X enumeration lists for a bit background.