Upgrading different Jazz and component versions
I have JTS (with DCC and JRS) installed at version 6.0.
I have RM, QM and CCM installed at version 5.0.2.
I am needing to upgrade to 6.0.2 (or 6.0.3 - depending on the answer of this...)
My understanding is that as long as I remain within the n-1 version, I am fine. That being said.
Can I:
1. Upgrade JTS (with JRS and DCC) 6.0 to 6.0.2 independently and at a later time upgrade the remaining components (RM, QM, CCM) to 6.0.2 with no problems?
2. Upgrade JTS (with JRS and DCC) 6.0 to 6.0.3 independently and at a later time upgrade the remaining components (RM, QM, CCM) to 6.0.2 with no problems?
My apprehension is violating the n-1 rule with regards to differing JTS and other component versions.
3. Will I have problems with Reporting? Will I have problems with CCM?
Thanks so much!
Accepted answer
According to the compatibility document http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSYMRC_6.0.3/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/c_n-1.html
it mentions:
Jazz Reporting Service (JRS) which includes Data Collection Component, Lifecycle Query Engine, and Report Builder first became available in version 5.0, so the compatibility for those products begins with that version. You can install JRS and the JTS at a higher level than the CLM applications themselves, but JRS and the JTS must be at the same level. For example, JRS 6.0.2 and JTS 6.0.2 works with RTC 5.0.2.
So you can upgrade JTS, JRS and DCC to 6.0.2 or 6.0.3 first, keep CCM, QM and RM as 5.0.2 and upgrade later.