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uri defintion on setup

Norman Dignard (356694176) | asked Jun 07 '13, 6:19 p.m.
I'm setting up our production servers. I have a proxy(host name rproxy), jazz (jts/rm/ccm/qm/rrdi) (host jazzweb) an db (engdb) server.
All the servers side on a dev domain. jazz access will be across 2 separate domains, accessible via the same url.
The reason for the proxy is to allow for back end redistribution of servers should we see a need.

I must not understand the uri setup when using a proxy correctly and would like some clarification.
I want everyone to access jazz using say  ../ccm etc...    Is this the uri that I need to spec on jts setup?

If this is the case , i assume I DNS register the ip of the proxy to On the proxy config
I would redirect /rm to http:/jazzweb .... :9443/rm  etc..  Am correct in this?

As it is, I've currently setup jazz with the uri of the server but I think this may be wrong for our setup.

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Abraham Sweiss (2.4k1331) | answered Jun 07 '13, 6:50 p.m.
Hello Norman,

The following article provides more detailes on how to configure a proxy server to route requests to CLM hosted on WebSphere

Here is a high level overview of how I set up my test bed.
1. USed the url as the public uri
2. Used IHS / plugin as the proxy that accepted requests from the public uri
3. Deployed the CLM applications  on WebSphere server instances
4. Followed the steps in the above article to configure WebSphere and IHS
5. The one difference in my set up is that I installed a WebSphere Dmgr to manage each WebSphere server instance. 
5a. I had jts on one server, ccm on another and so on.
5b. With the Dmgr I could map each application to a single web server definition which made managing the WebSphere plugin a bit easier then how it is described in the above article.
5b-1. So each application will be mapped to a server instance and a web server definition
5b-2. using this set up the plugin-cfg.xml will contain all the application information without having to manually merge several plugin-cfg.xml
6. So all requests will Hit the IHS web server. IHS will hand over the request to the WebSphere plugin and then the the request will be sent to the WebSphere server instance hosting the CLM applications

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