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RRC : Defect links to RRC and access to RRC

Naveen V (791759) | asked Nov 30 '16, 4:13 p.m.


I am using CLM 502 version. Recently my disk got full and suddently getting following errors when I am accessing RRC.

  The server was unable to generate the list of artifacts in a reasonable period of time. Try making the filter more specific. For example, specify which artifact types to display, and try to open the list again

When I open requirement gave me below error message

  The project that contains the resource might have been deleted or archived, or you might not be a member of the project. To locate and open a resource you must be a member of the project. Ensure that the project exists. Contact your administrator to make sure that you are a member of the project.

Rm.log says below.

2016-11-30 15:51:28,188 [WebContainer : 77 @@ 15:06 UPanditi <Initial Page Load@0f96f1e0-ca8a-4d7f-91f5-9b949d607475> /qm/web/console/itemOid] ERROR ting.server.core.jpi.internal.InternalCoreServices  - HttpException while iterating multi-part response. This will likely be the cause of additional errors later.
org.apache.http.ProtocolException: Invalid header:  Query-based operations do not work, and the application might not work at all. Before you can continue, this issue must be fixed.

Do I need to run reindex all to fix this ?

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Nov 30 '16, 11:00 p.m.
If the disk is full when the index is being updated, it can get corrupted, which only doing reindex can fix. If you cannot afford doing the reindex, contact Support and send in the log files for examination first. Just bear in mind that reindex may be your only choice.

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