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Test Scenarios in RQM

Priya Nair (112) | asked Oct 28 '16, 4:32 a.m.
retagged Nov 04 '16, 2:06 a.m. by Minakshi Jaint (5113)
Hello Forum,

 I have a couple of questions regarding test asset management in RQM.
 1.  We have a some test scenarios. Where in RQM should we place these test scenarios.
 2.  Once we place these test scenarios in RQM, would we be able to pull a coverage report. – for example – how many test scenarios  have test cases associated with it, how many have passed, how many have failed..

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Nov 01 '16, 1:18 a.m.
Hi, Priya

1, there is no exact test scenarios concept in RQM. Since you mentioned in 2nd question that test scenarios associated with test cases, I guess it could be similar to test plan or requirements in QM or RM. you may want to clarify what is 'test scenarios' in your use case.

2. Since Test Scenarios is not clear in this post, I am not sure if there is any reports could provide the coverage.
QM's predefined reports can be found here:

Surely if you have Report Builder(JRS) with RQM, you can create your own customized reports if the predefined reports do not meet your needs.

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