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How do I use Query Studio to query on all the test case results in a test suite log?

One answer


Hi Valli, thanks for you response.

How are you viewing data in query studio - Have you created a package to use? All required columns can be pulled out in the package - using the joins of the required tables. and then you can either view the sample data in framework manager itself (or) in query studio.

Thanks for being patient with me :) This is my first time using Query Studio so I think I may be missing some concepts.
- Launch Rational Reporting using Quality Management->Reports->Perform Additional Reporting Tasks
- From Rational Reporting I choose Launch->Query Studio
- I choose Rational Data Model (DW) as the package to use.
- In Query Studio I then expand Operational Data Store, and have been randomly choosing different places to find tables (query subjects). In this case I was using Execution Result Area->Execution Result related Test Suite Logs.
- To look around, I inserted the whole table into the query to see all the columns and example rows of data

Hi Colin,

Hi Valli, thanks for continuing to help me with this.
Following your advice, I have been using report studio (and reading the help!) and I can now create new queries and joins using the Reporting Data Model (DW).
However, I am having a problem getting my particular desire to create a join between the Execution Result and the Test Suite Log. In the join relationship I need to specify the data items that correspond with each other. I cannot find a data item in the Execution Result that refers to any of the data items in the Test Suite Log.
I do see a data item "Suite Index" which is the index of the result in the Test Suite Log, but I do not see a reference to the Test Suite Log itself.
Do you know if there is a data item I can use?
Thanks, Colin.

test suite log

Hello Valli, sorry for the delay in responding: I have only just had another chance to investigate this further.

Hi Colin,