New to JAZZ
We recently lost our admin and now I'm stuck stepping into that role.
1) How do I set myself up as admin in JAZZ? (What files need updating and how?
2) Anyone have directions on installing JAZZ clean with RDI? And/or some instruction manual/user guide?
I am sure it would help greatly,
Thank you,
One answer
So, if you are using a LDAP repository for authentication, you must make your user a member of the corresponding group in LDAP.
This information (the role-group mapping) is stored in the WAS profile.
As a matter of fact, I have never installed Jazz on RDI, so I cannot give you detailed information.
Anyway, Jazz runs on an application server, so you should check how it is configured for authentication in the app server profile.
Also, give a look to the configuration file of the JTS application: it should contain some useful information concerning the LDAP repository (if there is one configured).
The is in the <Jazz installation directory>/server/conf/jts.
Hi Joe,