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'Deliver' failed. Preconditions have not been met: A work item must be associated with the change set.

Naveen Krishnan (1133) | asked Oct 12 '16, 3:53 p.m.
Based on the question summary, you might think that, a work item was not associated with it. But thats not true, a work item was already associated with the change set. The really strange part is, all the pre-condition behaviour with respect to the "Deliver (Client) and (server)" are all removed, so that it does not claim to request for a work item to be attached with the delivery. Also, we tried in restarting the server though, but still the same issue persists. Would appreciate any help in fixing this strange issue.

Below is the snippet of the log from the build which it is actually failing with.

 scm --non-interactive status -d /builds/jbe11/ml/publish-20161012-1230/workspace
     [exec] Workspace: (8943) "buildSharedLibrariesWorkspace" <-> (8944) "SharedLibrariesSt>
     [exec]   Component: (8945) "Published"
     [exec]     Baseline: (9330) 139 "Publish Shared Libraries to AIX_publish-sharedlib-201>
     [exec]     Outgoing:
     [exec]       Change sets:
     [exec]         (9562) *--@  ""Publish request publish-20161012-1230 for CaseManagement>
     [exec]         (9563) ---@  ""Publish request publish-20161012-1224 for CaseManagement>
     [exec]         (9564) ---@  ""Publish request publish-20161012-1123 for CaseManagement>
     [exec]         (9565) ---@  ""Publish request publish-20161012-1115 for ProviderStream>
     [exec]         (9566) ---@  ""Publish request publish-20161012-0909 for ProviderStream>
     [exec]         (9567) ---@  ""Publish request publish-20161012-0716 for BSLFrameworkSt>
     [exec]         (9568) ---@  ""Publish request publish-20161011-2001 for ProviderStream>
     [exec]         (9569) ---@  ""Publish request publish-20161011-1305 for CaseManagement>
     [exec]         (9570) ---@  ""Publish request publish-20161011-1056 for CaseManagement>
     [exec]         (9571) ---@  ""Publish request publish-20161011-0648 for CaseManagement>
     [exec]         (9572) ---@  ""Publish request publish-20161011-0642 for CaseManagement>
     [exec]         (9573) ---@  ""Publish request publish-20161011-0637 for CaseManagement>
     [exec]         (9574) ---@  ""Publish request publish-20161011-0613 for CaseManagement>
     [exec]         (9575) ---@  ""Publish request publish-20161007-1254 for BSLFrameworkSt>
     [exec]         (9542) ---@  ""Publish request publish-20161007-1137 for BSLFrameworkSt>
     [exec] Job found still running after platform shutdown.  Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown:$1
     [echo] Result: 0 - Command completed successfully
     [echo] Checking in files at /builds/jbe11/ml/publish-20161012-1230/workspace
     [exec] scm --non-interactive checkin -d /builds/jbe11/ml/publish-20161012-1230/workspace .
     [exec] Job found still running after platform shutdown.  Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown:$1
     [echo] Result: 0 - Command completed successfully
     [echo] Delivering ChangeSet from /builds/jbe11/ml/publish-20161012-1230/workspace
     [exec] scm --non-interactive deliver -d /builds/jbe11/ml/publish-20161012-1230/workspace
     [exec] Process Reports:
     [exec]   Name: Deliver
     [exec]   Participant Reports:
     [exec]     Name: Require Work Items and Comments
     [exec]       A work item must be associated with the change set.
     [exec]       A work item must be associated with the change set.
     [exec]       A work item must be associated with the change set.
     [exec]       A work item must be associated with the change set.
     [exec]       A work item must be associated with the change set.
     [exec]       A work item must be associated with the change set.
     [exec]       A work item must be associated with the change set.
     [exec]       A work item must be associated with the change set.
     [exec]       A work item must be associated with the change set.
     [exec]       A work item must be associated with the change set.
     [exec]       A work item must be associated with the change set.
     [exec]       A work item must be associated with the change set.
     [exec]       A work item must be associated with the change set.
     [exec]       A work item must be associated with the change set.
     [exec]       A work item must be associated with the change set.
     [exec] Problem running 'deliver':
     [exec] 'Deliver' failed. Preconditions have not been met: A work item must be associated with the change set.
     [exec] Job found still running after platform shutdown.  Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown:$1
     [exec] Result: 17
     [echo] Result: 17 - The requested operation was blocked by Team Process.

Naveen Krishnan commented Oct 12 '16, 3:55 p.m.

I forgot to mention that we also tried to reset the cache with the below url and we did restarted the application server, but still no luck.

https://<server_name>:<port_number>/CCM/admin/cmd/requestReset (https://%3Cserver_name%3E:%3Cport_number%3E/CCM/admin/cmd/requestReset)

Kevin Ramer commented Oct 12 '16, 4:27 p.m.

I don't have an answer, but the requestReset does not stop/start a Jazz application.  It only tells that jazz application to throw out any provisioning and re-initialize all of its configured provision profiles.     To restart the appliction one must do one of:

Stop/start the application server ( eg shutdown / startup for Tomcat or WebSphere Liberty ) stopServer / startServer for WebSphere full profile
Stop/start the application in WebSphere management console.

Lily Wang commented Oct 12 '16, 11:53 p.m.

From the "scm status" output, it seems the change sets are not associated with any work item.

You mentioned there's no pre-condition for " "Deliver (Client)" and "Deliver (server)" operations. One more thing you can check is the owner of the stream. If the stream is owned by a Team Area, please make sure you don't have pre-condition enabled in the team area's process configuration.

Don Yang commented Oct 13 '16, 12:47 a.m.

What is your server and client version?
I remember in an old version, the change of preconditions won't make effective until server restart, which was fixed in the later version.

Naveen Krishnan commented Oct 13 '16, 8:54 a.m. | edited unknown

Hi Kevin, thanks for commenting. As I mentioned, after the cache is reset, we did restarted the application server manually.

Hi Lily, thanks for commenting. I do checked it already and the owner of the stream is a "team" not a "project" and the "pre-condition" was all set to "team" level. Moreover, there is no "pre-condition" set in the "project" level.

Hi Don, thanks for commenting. We are running both client and server on CLM 4.0.3.

2 answers

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Zeeshan Choudhry (6541612) | answered Oct 13 '16, 9:13 a.m.
Could you confirm if you are not consuming the process specifications from the Parent project area for the PA where you see the problem. In other words are you using process sharing? If thats the case there is an option to set permissions/preconditions final in the Parent Project area and what you set in child would not matter.

Naveen Krishnan commented Oct 13 '16, 9:22 a.m.

Hello Zeeshan, thanks for replying. No we don't have any process specification at the project level. We do have it in the team level. As I mentioned earlier, even after this issue, I completely removed that from the team level, but it still fails for the same error.

Zeeshan Choudhry commented Oct 13 '16, 9:39 a.m.

I am talking about This setup:

Parent Project Area ----- > Child Project Area  ----> Team Area.
Project A                               Project B                          Team A

So if Project B is consuming the process specifications from Project A ( Parent ) and if the preconditions are set there as "final" then what ever you change in Project B or Team A will not take into effect.

Naveen Krishnan commented Oct 14 '16, 1:28 p.m.

HI Zeeshan,

No we dont have such setup. Our setup is

Parent Project Area --> Team Area

The pre-conditions are setup only in the "Team Area" not in the "Project Area". Moreover, this setup was working with no issues, I am not sure, what triggered this issue all of a sudden, which is what I can't figure out. Thanks!

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Oct 17 '16, 2:52 a.m.
Please carefully read this article: Process behavior lookup in Rational Team Concert 2.0 , it should give you a good idea where to look.

Please also note that it is possible to link work items to change sets in two different ways and only one would work for the precondition. Not very likely that you have this issue, however read just to make sure.

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