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Why are we seeing stories from another team in our plan?

2 answers

and understand the scope of a plan and how that influences what data is shown.

Thanks for the feedback but see comment above.

Consider to read the page mentioned above, as the scope of a plan can be configured regardless of which plan type. You would not have asked the question above if you would be aware of the very basic concepts such as the plan Owner explained in https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Deployment/RTCProcessFundamentals#Planning_Fundamentals. If the project area is selected as the plan owner, the plan would show the work items of all team areas within the project area.

Thanks for the feedback but each plan is owned by the respective team not the project area i.e. the plan shows 'Owner: Team B' but the stories listed in the plan show both 'Team Area: Team A' and 'Team Area: Team B'. Could this be a bug?

Can u provide a screenshot? Otherwise, a plan is a work item query. It should not show any work item out of its scope, except parent (child) work items as grayed out out-placed items.

Sorry, cannot provide screenshot. When do outplaced items appear? Does it matter that each team's plan is for the same timeline/iteration i.e. the main project timeline? Some stories are appearing greyed out, but non-greyed out stories show from both teams.

Not even disguised? Sorry, cannot help then. These are out placed items: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Deployment/PerformancePlanLoadingImprovements#Deferred_Load_of_Outplaced_Child . They are typically showed grayish and they indicate that they are not part of the plan if you hover over the arrow.

Have investigated further and seeing same problem with a query:
- Planned For is Current Iteration and
- Status is Unresolved and
- Team Area is Team B
returns all expected Team B items and some Team A items.
If add to query 'and Team Area is not Team A' then see only Team B items.