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SCM Tools Baseline Compare results.

Luis Calderon (2919) | asked May 07 '19, 6:37 p.m.

I'm running this command:

scm compare -r -u <username> -P <pwd> baseline _qctC8G7nEeaB67t1iHdqRg baseline _lNftYEnrEeaB67t1iHdqRg -c MVC -I wfs -D "EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z" -S vo

An sample of the result is:
(1082) 823: Ensure that no overlapping of CSS styles occur between latency charts and others - Differntiation of latency grid lines from other graphs/charts
  /PresentationLayer/App/Latency/LatencyChartDirective.js 6
  /PresentationLayer/Content/SiteLatency.css 7

Is the (1082) in the result the Change Set number?

Is there a way to add the change set id? Is there a way to pull it in case it isn't?


Accepted answer

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Shashikant Padur (4.3k27) | answered May 08 '19, 12:37 a.m.

1082 is the change set alias which is an easy to use value that represents a change set and can be used in subsequent cli operations. To get the change set uuid try the following in your command: scm -u y compare -r ....

Luis Calderon selected this answer as the correct answer

Luis Calderon commented May 08 '19, 1:10 p.m.

 Thanks for the reply. Needed to confirm this. 

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