SCM Merge stream error Deferred Operation failed
One answer
For the error in the first screenshot, could you see any error in ccm.log?
For the issue during the build, ".project" file exist in the root directory of both component Integr_XMLF_isam_dp and Integr_GeneralDocumentation. When the build tried to load the files to sandbox, the overwrite error is reported.
If your project is not Eclipse project, you can consider to delete the ".project" file. Otherwise, you may think about downloading the two components to two different paths.
David Lafreniere
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Sep 03 '16, 11:08 p.m.Please try to provide a stack trace. Open the "Error Log" view in Eclipse; there should be errors that correspond to what you are seeing and should include a full stack trace.