I created the same project in all the three ALM tools RQM, RTC and DOORS and did the association part too. But i changed the name of the project in all the three tools and try to assoicate but the system does not show me the updated name, instead displays the old name.
what is the CLM version?
what do you mean by "same project"? is it same name of CCM and QM and RM projects?
You have already "did the association part too" but why you want to "try to assoicate", this does not make sense, can you please elaborate?
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Don Yang
Aug 04 '16, 7:40 p.m.what is the CLM version?
what do you mean by "same project"? is it same name of CCM and QM and RM projects?
You have already "did the association part too" but why you want to "try to assoicate", this does not make sense, can you please elaborate?
Amir Ali Ansari
Aug 05 '16, 10:14 a.m.Yes its CLM version.. I need to associate in order to achieve the tracebility matrix in DOORS.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Aug 09 '16, 3:27 a.m.The question is unanswerable as it lacks the basic data and a good description about the steps etc. Please see How should I ask a question in the Forum if I want to receive useful answers? and try to provide a better description and more data,