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Running a Test suite (TSER) but Test Cases progress never is completed

Sergio Ruiz (715) | asked Jun 28 '16, 11:08 a.m.
edited Jun 28 '16, 11:20 a.m.

Why the TSER is not completed ??

I was running a Test suite with two RIT (Rational Integration Tester) test cases added, but seems the test cases progress is stuck even though the test cases are completed individually.

I am not sure if it is missing a setting to the Test suite because it should be completed because the scenarios ran properly.

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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Jun 28 '16, 12:56 p.m.
edited Jun 28 '16, 12:58 p.m.
Are you running with QM 6.x
If so see
Workarounds and Limitations: Known issues in IBM Rational Quality Manager 6.0

Rational Integration Tester test scripts are not fully executed from test suites


If you use a test suite to execute a Rational Integration Tester test script, the execution never finishes and the progress bar stalls at 10% completion. However, you can use a test case to correctly execute the same Rational Integration Tester test script.


This issue is a known limitation in Rational Integration Tester 8.7.x that was corrected. Upgrade to Rational Integration Tester 9.0 or later.

Sergio Ruiz selected this answer as the correct answer

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