Unable to retrieve next page contents using RQMUrlUtility
Using Rational Quality Manager and RQM Url Utility trying to access Test case within Test Suite with the help of RESTful APIs. After the GET request able to retrieve XML containing first 50 elements along with links to next page and last page. Using the Href link to Next page does not return the contents of next 50 elements instead just the feed containing link to self, previous, next and last pages. Need help in understanding why contents are not provided when accessing next page contents. I read in other threads one option is to increase max elements per page from 50 to higher number but that is not possible due to certain limitations so i am looking for alternate solutions
3 answers
If you use a reportable REST API, please have a look at https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2022/03/02/ewm-reportable-rest-api/ in the section paging. Please read it carefully. Please note that you can pass a parameter specifying the page size. Please be aware that the URL you get back is URL encoded and must be unencoded to work. Similar concepts are supported with the OSLC APIs and similar considerations apply.
Thank you Ralph Schoon. I will go through links shared. I am using RQM not DNG as such. Is it expected that RQM also supports similar capabilities?
@Ralph Schoon, I could not figure out the cause for this issue. I am trying to parse Test Case within Test Suite using feed url
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jan 12 '23, 9:14 a.m.There are various REST APIs. How does your URL look like?