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[JAVA API] run query

One answer

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Hi Miguel, thanks for the reply. I have read the post before, but don't think it answer my question. If i have a queryID/queryName, i still need to know it's a persional or shared query to call the corresponding method(findpersonal...()/findshared...()) to get the result. I want to know if that's a way to get the result back only with a queryID/queryName(No matter what's its project area/query type).

Thanks for the clarification.
I'm not aware of any way to query for both in one go.
The tool always presents the queries as either Personal or Shared, so I wouldn't expect the API to be any different, and also bear in mind that there may be both personal and shared queries with the same name.
Therefore, unless there is a good reason to not to query for both Personal and Shared, I would stick to it.