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Not able to get the File path if the File deleted and Added

praveen patidar (8623544) | asked Oct 24 '13, 11:18 p.m.
retagged Dec 03 '13, 4:49 p.m. by David Lafreniere (4.8k7)

I have automation client utility for delivering only selected change sets based on certain criteria. It may happen that the valid change sets are having dependency with some invalid change sets. Now this is not allowing me to deliver.

To handle this exception I am filtering the dependent valid change sets and removing them from the list of deliverable change sets. Algorithm for this is the Item ID based, if it found that  item id in invalid change sets then utility will filter out.

Now some cases arises where people deleted and added the file or merge items. This case the item id will change and the algorithm will no longer able to search the dependent change sets.

One more option I have opted is to get the component+fullpath which is the unique for each item. I stuck in this approach as if the item is deleted and added back the deleted item is no longer returning its full path.

So is there way to get the Dependency change sets apart from above algorithm. ?
Is there way to get full path of the files deleted from any change sets.?

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