Can you get stream event and component history through java api?
We have an audit requirement to show that JAZZAdmins haven't made changes to streams, or delievered code to components on a monthly basis. Given that we have more then 4k project areas, and 9 instances of rtc, doing this one by one would be impossible. I know I can get the streams within a PA, and the components from that stream through the java api. Is it possible to get the events/history of the streams/components as well?
Anthony Kesterton
JAZZ DEVELOPER Sep 03 '14, 4:21 a.m.Hi Daniel
Been thinking about this a bit. Processing this many projects and repositories could be quite a task if it was run once a month. What about use the event feeds from each project, and catching this info as it occurs. You could log all events, and filter, or be more specific as to the type of event and the user. It would also mean you could process the info outside of RTC itself rather than run a big report once a month.
Just an idea...
Daniel martin
Sep 03 '14, 8:02 a.m.Anthony,
We might look at both as an option. Currently we have a small list of projects, and a small list of users we need to capture. My thought was that we would have two config files: 1) names to capture, 2) matching list of rtc instnaces and PA names. The tool would be able to run through list regionally, as and when needed. Is it even possible to capter events/history through the API?
I am not sure how the event feeds would work exaclty, especially if someone is required to create the initial feeds, and if it is running in real time it might impact peformance? Have other customers used feeds in this way in the past?
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Sep 03 '14, 8:50 a.m.Daniel, some thoughts.
1. Feed events are stored, but only to some extend. You can register to feeds and red them as the standard format e.g. using a feed reader, and do whatever you want to do with them. I think feed data expires.
2. In general any object in the RTC API that implements the IAuditable interface can have a history. You can use the API to go through its predecessor states (it can have 2 at the very most for each state). The SCM data works a bit different, but also has history information.
You can try to access the data that way, but you would have to do the work to actually use the API to get to what you want to monitor and analyze the data.
Please note, there might be data that is IAuditable, but does not store a history nevertheless.
Some hints to approach the API on however, I have not yet blogged about the predecessors for IAuditable. I think it should be obvious how to get them.