Error(java.lang.IllegalStateException: More than 1 metadata storage manager registered for storage type on loading a repository workspace programmatically!

Hello ,
I am using plain java client api 6.0. I am creating a repository workspace using code : JoinOperations.createWorkspace(repo, selectedStream,
this.readConfiguration.getRepoWorkspaceDesc(), null,monitor);
Workspace is created correctly with all the components.
And i am getting the ISandbox object by using below code :
public ISandbox getSandboxForPath(ILocation sandboxPath)
throws FileSystemException {
ISharingManager sharingManager = SharingManager.getInstance();
// FileSystemCore.getSharingManager();
Collection<ISandbox> updatedSandBoxList = sharingManager
ISandbox selSandbox = null;
for (ISandbox sandboxTemp : updatedSandBoxList) {
if (sandboxTemp.getRoot().toOSString()
.equalsIgnoreCase(sandboxPath.toOSString())) {
selSandbox = sandboxTemp;
if (selSandbox == null) {
selSandbox = getSandbox(sandboxPath, false);
sharingManager.register(selSandbox, false, null);
return selSandbox;
public ISandbox getSandbox(ILocation copyFileAreaRoot, boolean registered) {
if ((registered)
&& (!ICopyFileAreaManager.instance.copyFileAreaExists(
copyFileAreaRoot, 0))) {
return null;
return new Sandbox(copyFileAreaRoot);
and am using below code to load repo workspace :
ILoadRule2 loadRule = ILoadRuleFactory.loadRuleFactory.getLoadRule(
workspaceconn, lrFileReader, true, monitor);
ILoadOperation loadoperator = loadRule.getLoadOp(this.sandbox,
LoadDilemmaHandler.getDefault(), monitor);;
I get error message "java.lang.IllegalStateException: More than 1 metadata storage manager registered for storage type" at line;
Could you please tell me how i it can be fixed ?
I am using plain java client api 6.0. I am creating a repository workspace using code : JoinOperations.createWorkspace(repo, selectedStream,
this.readConfiguration.getRepoWorkspaceDesc(), null,monitor);
Workspace is created correctly with all the components.
And i am getting the ISandbox object by using below code :
public ISandbox getSandboxForPath(ILocation sandboxPath)
throws FileSystemException {
ISharingManager sharingManager = SharingManager.getInstance();
// FileSystemCore.getSharingManager();
Collection<ISandbox> updatedSandBoxList = sharingManager
ISandbox selSandbox = null;
for (ISandbox sandboxTemp : updatedSandBoxList) {
if (sandboxTemp.getRoot().toOSString()
.equalsIgnoreCase(sandboxPath.toOSString())) {
selSandbox = sandboxTemp;
if (selSandbox == null) {
selSandbox = getSandbox(sandboxPath, false);
sharingManager.register(selSandbox, false, null);
return selSandbox;
public ISandbox getSandbox(ILocation copyFileAreaRoot, boolean registered) {
if ((registered)
&& (!ICopyFileAreaManager.instance.copyFileAreaExists(
copyFileAreaRoot, 0))) {
return null;
return new Sandbox(copyFileAreaRoot);
and am using below code to load repo workspace :
ILoadRule2 loadRule = ILoadRuleFactory.loadRuleFactory.getLoadRule(
workspaceconn, lrFileReader, true, monitor);
ILoadOperation loadoperator = loadRule.getLoadOp(this.sandbox,
LoadDilemmaHandler.getDefault(), monitor);;
I get error message "java.lang.IllegalStateException: More than 1 metadata storage manager registered for storage type" at line;
Could you please tell me how i it can be fixed ?