How do I add a new file extension in RTC and share it with the team?
I'm using RTC version 5.0.2.
I need to add a new file type based upon the extension. I see how to do this in the preferences but I don't see how to share those settings with the team.
What I need is for .utf8 files to be TEXT and utf8 encoded. I'd rather not do that one file at a time... new files will be created and need the same settings.
Any help appreciated
Ian Wark
Apr 01 '16, 3:28 a.m.In Eclipse you can export your preferences from [File] > [Export] > [General] > [Preferences] and check [Export All] in the dialog that opens. It exports all non-default settings. In the file that is exported you should be able to find the file encoding setting you added. Then if you import that preference file into other Eclipse work spaces, in theory, you will get that setting as well. I think it works best when imported into a new workspace, but it is something to try.
Kevin Hoyt
Apr 01 '16, 10:18 a.m.Thanks Ian.
Donald Nong
Apr 04 '16, 12:24 a.m.I can you get confused. "File type" information never comes from the server. It's always a workspace/client configuration.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Apr 04 '16, 2:17 a.m.Enterprise preference management is a huge gap in Eclipse and a host of other IDE's. I think there are companies that provide solutions for Eclipse, but I don't think there s anything you could remotely call a standard across tools. It is a shame.....
Kevin Hoyt
Apr 04 '16, 10:04 a.m.Client or server doesn't matter to me too much.
Donald Nong
Apr 05 '16, 3:35 a.m.You're looking at the right file, and it should contains a line "encoding=UTF-8". It means that all text files are encoded in UTF-8. I don't quite understand why you said it's only good for one file. For your existing files, you need to convert them manually though.
Kevin Hoyt
Apr 05 '16, 10:21 a.m.That file has several lines... one for each file I have specifically set the encoding for:
Donald Nong
Apr 11 '16, 3:39 a.m.How about adding the .utf8 suffix to the existing XML content type? That's equivalent to adding "content-types/org.eclipse.core.runtime.xml/file-extensions=utf8" to the file org.eclipse.core.runtime.prefs. Basically, the XML content type is by default encoded in UTF-8, and you tell Eclipse that all .utf8 files are XML files as well.