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How to query the version of CCM, QM and RM remotely

Accepted answer

The XML has the node named jfs:version

Basically, all Jazz products provide the same URI for the version information.

Hi Joao/Donald,
Thanks that's what I've been looking for. Now, I just have to figure out what to use to parse the REST API results.
Are these REST APIs documented somewhere ? We would now like to find out what iFix is installed.

I'm not aware any documents specifically mentioning about the "application-about" resource. It is revealed in the root services document, which is the very first document you need to get if you want to use OSLC.
But if you are trying to find out the iFix version, unfortunately it does not help, as it is "static". To find the iFix version, you may have to use the internal API. Simply click on the "About this Application" link in the Web GUI and monitor the network traffic (with Firebug or Chrome) and you will find it out.
One other answer

<oslc_rm:rmServiceProviders rdf:resource="https://some.jazz.com:9443/rm/oslc_rm/catalog" /> <oslc_rm:majorVersion>6</oslc_rm:majorVersion> <oslc_rm:version></oslc_rm:version> <oslc_rm:buildVersion>6.0.1</oslc_rm:buildVersion>
var xml = "<book xmlns:bookml='http://example.com/book'><bookml:title>Harry Potter</bookml:title></book>" var doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml)
var select = xpath.useNamespaces({"bookml": "http://example.com/book"});
console.log(select('//bookml:title/text()', doc)[0].nodeValue);
You could pluck out the particular element value with a simple regex -- but if you are going to try to find more than one string in the XML reliably, then using a library for XML parsing and XPath querying will pay off in the long run.