Defined User list for Approver section, how to achieve it?

Can this be achieved in making any attribute changes.
It will be also be fine if we get only users with a designated role while adding the approvers.
This we need as generalized template which can be used across different project areas.
How can this be achieved in RTC?
One answer

I created an extension a couple years ago to automatically add approvals based on state transitions (So that approvals were always there) and to automatically add approvers based on role
so , it can be done

See for a starting point. How to look for the user e.g. based on the role can be found in

Thank sam and Ralph.
Can you please advise can I remove the existing Approval tab and add the new presentation section configuring with attribute based presentation. Then defining the attribute with calculated values of users by role. Will this help in achieving of having a defined user list as approvers.
Is modifying the approval presentation advisable?

You might be theoretically able to do that, I think the cost of doing something like that is so high that it would be considered not to be worth it. See Custom Editor Presentations if you want to anyway.
I would consider automation as descried by Sam, so that the users usually won't have to create the approvals themselves.

as Ralph mentions this will be a lot of work. The Approval tab is a custom coded presentation in the product source. you could not reproduce it with the exposed presentation capability