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How to import the script and case from Excel where they are at the same row?

Ben Mo (111) | asked Mar 14 '16, 12:11 p.m.
 Hi all,

I am new to RQM and now we have thousands of legacy case formatted like this:


Case Name



Expected Result

Case 1

Description 1

Step 1.1
Step 1.2
Step 1.3

Result 1.1
Result 1.2
Result 1.3

Case 2

Description 2

Step 2.1
Step 2.2
Step 2.3

Result 2.1
Result 2.2
Result 2.3

Case 3

Description 3

Step 3.1
Step 3.2
Step 3.3

Result 3.1
Result 3.2
Result 3.3

The steps for a case are in the same cell. So do the results.

What I would like to do is to import these cases into RQM - use the steps and result to create a test script, then link the script to the new created test case. Is that possible with current import tool? I tried many different configurations and no luck.

Any comments would be greatly appreciated.


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Joao Carusi (263314) | answered Mar 14 '16, 1:07 p.m.
 Hi Ben,

Check the sample: C:\IBM\RQMExcelImporter\Samples\Scripts that create testcases

I think you have to repeat the test case name for each step (line)

Ben Mo commented Mar 14 '16, 3:35 p.m.

Hi Joao,

Thanks for the reply. I have checked that sample. The issues I met are:

1. The steps in my legacy cases are in one cell. In the sample, every step is in a different row.
2. In the sample, the cases are separated by an empty row.

So I create the configuration file, I can't use testscript.XLSDelimeter=\n to start a new script. Seems I have to convert the legacy cases to something like the sample then I can use the importer tool. 

Is there anyway to keep the original format and also import the scripts/cases like the sample?


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