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Is it possible to create a snapshot of a single project in DM 5.0.2?

Francisco Rodriguez (561528) | asked Mar 09 '16, 11:04 a.m.

Lets say I have Project A and Project B loaded into DM and I want to create a snapshot of Project A and do not include Project B.

Is this possible?

Francisco R.

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Francois-xavier Panaget (58914) | answered Mar 10 '16, 5:00 a.m.
Hi Francisco,

You need to be more specific when you refer to Projects.

If you have one Project Area (PA1) which contains ... project A and project B which are in fact 'folder's inside PA1 containing models... Project A (aka folder called Project A) and Project B (aka folder called Project B) may correspond to RSA projects you have uploaded or imported to your Project area (PA) then the answer is no. The snapshot will be for the whole data of the project area (PA1) at the given time. So it will include Project A and Project B.

If you have two project areas (PA1 and PA2) then yes... the snapshots are PA specific so since they are separate there is no inclusion of the data contained in PA2 when you create a snaphot for PA1 and vice versa.

Hope that helps.

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