Does IBM Quick Deployer (QD) support WAS Liberty too ?
Accepted answer
Hi Mallikarjuna,
Quick Deployer 1.2 currently deploys full WAS only. We're looking at liberty support as a future enhancement but we don't have a concrete plan right now.
Quick Deployer 1.2 currently deploys full WAS only. We're looking at liberty support as a future enhancement but we don't have a concrete plan right now.
One other answer
WAS Liberty comes bundled with CLM 6.0.1 and newer. It works in a way similar to Tomcat where there is no real "deployment" at all.
When you install CLM, all the select web applications will be copied to the Liberty template liberty/clmServerTemplate/apps. When you start Liberty for the first time, a Liberty server is created based on this template at server/liberty/servers/clm, and the web applications on this running servers is located server/liberty/servers/clm/apps. If you remove an application from the server/liberty/servers/clm/apps folder, it will disappear after Liberty is restarted. If you then add it back (assuming the application is actually installed), it will reappear after Liberty is restarted. It is very simple so it should be very easy to do with UCD.
When you install CLM, all the select web applications will be copied to the Liberty template liberty/clmServerTemplate/apps. When you start Liberty for the first time, a Liberty server is created based on this template at server/liberty/servers/clm, and the web applications on this running servers is located server/liberty/servers/clm/apps. If you remove an application from the server/liberty/servers/clm/apps folder, it will disappear after Liberty is restarted. If you then add it back (assuming the application is actually installed), it will reappear after Liberty is restarted. It is very simple so it should be very easy to do with UCD.
Thank you for taking time to help.
We understand that Liberty is now default application server starting 6.0.x. However, the question is about using the IBM Quick Deployer tool to perform CLM apps installation. Is there is a way to install CLM apps in Liberty server using IBM Quick Deployer application ?
Please let me know if you need any further information.
What I want to emphasize is that there is no separate "deploy" step for Liberty. After you use Installation Manager to install CLM, everything is already in place. I don't know the details about IBM Quick Deployer, but I believe you cannot bypass Installation Manager in any ways.