Passing built-in variable to HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT) Adapter
One answer
We cannot pass execution variable at test script level for HP QTP/UFT type test script in RQM. But we can
pass the execution variable to RQM QTP/UFT Adapter at test case level.
Please follow the below steps:
1. 1. Create test script of type HP QTP Professional 11.x and add it to the test case
Clic2. Click on Execution Variable option in left pane of Test Case window
3. 3. Execution Variable Window will open, now click on Create Execution Variable button
4. 4. Create execution variable window will open, Add the variable name with the prefix
env_ (Example:env_<nameOfVariable>) with same name as defined in QTP/UFT script in Name textbox,
5. 5. Insert the value of variable in value textbox
6. 6. Save test case
As built_in variables are type of environment variable in QTP/UFT, we can pass them as well, but we cannot modify built_in variables using execution variables.
We can only modify or initiate User Defined environment variables using RQM execution variable.