OSLC integration authentication problem
2016-02-09 06:20:57,965 [WebContainer : 3 @@ 06:20 <unauthenticated> /ccm/oslc/workitems/_g4YPMsQQEeWu--ONZFjhSw/progressTracking] WARN com.ibm.team.workitem - Unhandled Exception
1) I understand the "_g4YPMsQQEeWu--ONZFjhSw" to be the work item in question, how do I search for this work item using the above string?
2) How do I interpret the message?
Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards
One answer
If you try https://<server:port>/ccm/oslc/workitems/_g4YPMsQQEeWu--ONZFjhSw, it should give you full details about the work item (including its ID).
Alternatively, you can try the following URL to pull the work item's info:
Hi Kot
Hi Glenn,
If I am not mistaken, I think /progressTracking provides plan-related info. The 'record not found' error can sometimes indicate data corruption. This depends on the type of the records that are missing.
If the work items still exist, but cannot be accessed due to the error and if there are multiple work items being impacted, I would suggest that you engage IBM Support to review the issue.