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RQM: Test plan loop - master test plan references it self - RQMCopy Uility aborts

Jörg Werner (3033881) | asked Feb 08 '16, 4:01 a.m.

in our production environment we found a master plan with a link (child test plan) to it self.

Please have a look:
The test plan identifier "testplan:18" occurs also as child test plan:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ns2:testplan xmlns:ns2="" 
<ns2:projectArea alias="OUR_PROJECT" href="https://our-server/qm/resource/itemOid/"/>


<ns2:childplan href="https://our-server/qm/service/"/>
<ns2:childplan href="https://our-server/qm/service/"/>
<ns2:childplan href="https://our-server/qm/service/"/>
<ns2:childplan href="https://our-server/qm/service/"/>
<ns2:childplan href="https://our-server/qm/service/"/>

We saw this when trying to use RQM Copy Utility. We got always a memory issue when trying to copy the master test plan 18.

How can we fix it? It is a Production Environment!

I checked also the history of the master test plan 18. But I could not found an entry "Add child testplan:18".

 Thanks a lot!

Jörg Werner commented Feb 08 '16, 8:58 a.m.

Meanwhile we know how to create this inconsistency.
A defect 147697 is opened:

Problem occurs if a child test plan is deleted.
The Master test plan has thereafter a  reference to itself.
(this can be verified e,g, using poster)

As long as the deleted test plan is not purge, you can restore the test plan, delete the master-child relation and thereafter delete the test plan.

Accepted answer

permanent link
Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Feb 09 '16, 7:51 a.m.
Thanks Jörg for opening defect 147697.  This defect has been fixed in RQM 6.0.2 S3.  If you require the fix in an iFix, please open a PMR.
Jörg Werner selected this answer as the correct answer

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