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Does JRS require directional labels on a custom link to allow joins from both directions?

Robert Huet (23113984) | asked Jan 26 '16, 7:24 p.m.
 I have defined a custom link type in DOORS Next 5.0.2 which does not have separate directional labels (only has the one label for both directions).  When I try to join the two artifacts in the JRS Report Builder using "Traceability Links", I only get data back when I approach the join from one direction.  When I try to drive the report from the other direction, I get no data back.

By contrast, if I try the same thing with artifacts linked together with a custom link type that has separate directional labels, I can drive the report from both sides, using the appropriate directional label.

Is this a known issue/limitation in JRS or is there something else going on with my configuration?  I will play around some more in a sandbox to see if I can validate, but was wondering if anyone had run across this.

Accepted answer

permanent link
Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723) | answered Jan 27 '16, 1:06 p.m.
Robert Huet selected this answer as the correct answer

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