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Why is there no indication that a chapter is fold when a view is applied?

Christian Winkler (1321623) | asked Jan 04 '16, 6:37 a.m.

I don't know if this is a defect or a desired behavior and if it was already reported (I couldn't find).
I observed in DNG 5.0.2 and 6.0.1.
When I apply a filter for an attribute, the hierarchy of a module gets lost. But when I fold in a chapter before, the chapter will not be unfold when applying the filter. And there is no indication, that there is some content "inside".

I think that is very dangerous, when it is not shown that there is something "fold away".

Is it a desired behavior, that nothing is shown?
Or do I ignore something?


3 answers

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jan 04 '16, 7:38 p.m.
I think it is by design. When you apply a filter, the resulted requirements are displayed in a "flat" format. It is quite difficult to maintain a "hierarchy" view if some middle tiers are filtered out, isn't it? If you fold/collapse a chapter/level, it means that you are not interested in the content inside, then why do you want the content to be shown after filtering? If you look at the "showing ## of ## artifacts" message at the bottom, the number does match what is being displayed, whether you collapse a level or not - so I believe this is intended by design.

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Kirk Grotjohn (1.2k3) | answered Jan 06 '16, 1:31 p.m.
I think I'm not fully understanding, or maybe the behavior is changed (I'm looking at a very recent build).  But it looks to me like the folded (collapsed) state of a heading has no effect on how it's displayed when you filter, since filtering displays a flattened list (as mentioned above). 
That is, if I collapse a section so I'm only seeing the heading, when I filter the module, it will show the heading and any children (assuming they match the filter), and the heading is not collapsed. 

On a side note, there is an open enhancement to try to show the hierarchy when filtering. 

Christian Winkler commented Jan 07 '16, 4:39 a.m.

I try to explain my problem again.
I think that there shouldn't be a dependency between collapsing a chapter and filtering. I think these actions are on the same "level", but JAZZ treats collapsing as a "higher level action".

You will get different results depending on the order of actions. Compare what you see:
- Collapsing a chapter and filtering
- Filtering (collapsing is not possible anymore)
--> There should at least be some hint or symbol that matching artifacts are invisible due to collapsed chapter. I think this is really dangerous, because one might "forget" that a chapter was collapsed and the content is not shown.

Or maybe I am too critical...

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Martin Vellinger (11) | answered Nov 23 '21, 9:10 a.m.
We would also really appreciate if one couldin a view / with filtered content fold the chapters in and out.

Kirk mentioned work on an enhancement some time ago - would it cover our concern and is this already available? With which version?

Thanks in advance!

Ralph Schoon commented Nov 23 '21, 9:33 a.m.

These questions are over 5 years old. It is usually pointless to answer someone elses question with your own question, especially if it is that old.

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