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Max string sizes in RDNG

Thomas Stephens (17311519) | asked Jul 21 '16, 11:16 a.m.
What is the max data size for Primary Text, Description (String) and list item text?
Where can I find the information in the help file?
If these are the same as RTC, what is the mapping between RTC and RDNG?

2 answers

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David Clark (2341352) | answered Jul 21 '16, 1:04 p.m.
 The Name field has a limit of 254 characters. The Description text seems to have no limit - at least not from what I have seen.
Not sure about list item text.

permanent link
lakshmi shree (5711743) | answered Jul 28 '16, 2:28 a.m.
 Do you have any idea of the "Linlk to" or" LInk from" string length limit

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