"references" link type is only available between RRC instances but not within the same RRC instance
Accepted answer
One other answer
Links across OSLC domains - According to this topic, there are other link types for describing relationships between a RM artifact and an external RM artifact (such as DOORS)
Link types in requirements projects
There are several OSLC link relationships that can be used between requirements in the same project, such as satisfies/satisfied by, constrains/constrained by, extraction, embeds.
The documentation says "references", "elaborates" and "specifies" are the three link types available across rrc instances. I can only see "references". Is there anything special you need to do to turn on the other two types? I'm using clm 5.0. thanks!
What is the target of the link you are trying to establish? Is it another RRC project or is it DOORS or something else? Also, check your project associations. Link types are revealed only when certain project associations are established. Have you created project associations with the target container for all possible requirement associations?
The target is another RRC project area. And yes, I've created the association between the two project areas. By the way, "elaborates" and "specifies" aren't even available within the same project area.