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RDM Import Definition Error

Ahmed Omair (41335) | asked Dec 09 '15, 3:24 a.m.
edited Dec 09 '15, 3:26 a.m.
I am trying to automate RSA Design Manager Imports from Rational Team Concert.

I am able to do everything successfully except that when I make and import request from RDM using Import Defintion (with Ant Script) I get following error.

Number of Resources: 0
Number of Elements: 0
Number of Resources Deleted: 0
Import Engine Error: Eclipse-based import cannot be performed. Eclipse installation at "D:\IBM\TeamConcertBuild\buildsystem\buildengine\eclipse" does not have RTC-client co-installed: projects from Eclipse workspace "D:\RTC_RSA_Temp" could not be read.

The projects are successfully copied from stream to my local work space through Ant Script but the import definition is unable to upload the design to RDM.

I am using RSA 9 and CLM version 4.0.7. The RTC client and build toolkit is also 4.0.7.

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Francois-xavier Panaget (58914) | answered Dec 09 '15, 4:39 a.m.
Hi Ahmed,

What is the option you have specified in your import definition for the import of the models: "Import an entire workspace" or "Import individual projects"?
Check the article, Automating Rational Software Architect Design Management imports from Rational Team Concert (Part 2): Rational Team Concert-driven integration to see if there are no steps you missed.

Ahmed Omair selected this answer as the correct answer

Ahmed Omair commented Dec 14 '15, 6:41 a.m.

Thanks. This article really helped. I have now successfully implemented import of Individual Projects however i am unable to do for complete Work space. What changes should i make for full work space import?

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